Study on New Media in PK -- Tell us what you do ____

                            Invitation to participate                           
  :: e-Culture | New Media ~ in Pakistan *  
Hello !

Mauj Collective is conducting a study on e-Culture and New Media practices in Pakistan. It covers the arts, social development, business and nonprofits.
banking services on mobile
We will ask you to fill a short form given below -- one for each person, one for each organization. This will ask for basic information accompanied by a question each on history and future. We will also ask for accompanying text, images and videos. This study is supported by the Asia-Europe Foundation ASEF.

It is important that you be part of this study in order to help identify the technoculture scenario in Pakistan. It is equally important to identify oneself as an actor in a trend, which is both a global phenomena and is redefining itself in our unique context.

digital design
art & new media
The study takes a broad of view of New Media and is particularly interested in how new media technologies are affecting the fabric of our culture. To this end we are particularly interested in documenting instances in which technologies have positively contributed to public culture, whether through a service, show, software, or event. 
This study will lead into the production of an online directory (later network) of artists, architects, curators, culture-workers, development people, entrepreneurs, engineers, designers, animators, software and game developers, journalists and publicists. It will also produce a report and three short articles including one video. All of these will be available on the internet.

creativity in software
The directory will keep growing into a social
networking interface to encourage inquiry, access to information about each other's work, cooperation, collaboration, exchange among all these actors and entities across pakistan. This will also be available to organizations and people internationally who want to engage in new media in Pakistan. 

We also request you to help us identify people and organization which have played, or are playing leading roles in this area. You may forward their contacts to us, and convey this invitation to them on our behalf. Its also here:

We would be happy if you would get back to us with the form and accompanying materials by Tuesday, 27th April 2010. Note: this has been extended due to limited response. We are now contacting people individually. Still do get in touch with us.

With best wishes.

Yasir Husain

Mauj Collective for Open Technology, Art & Culture
Info & Form:
Email:    yasir /dot/ media2 /at/ gmail /dot/ com
Cell:      +92  333 214 9543  (inquiries/scheduling pick-ups)

img credits: easypaisa, ivs, nuktaart, p@sha